
Javelin Javelin
There are at least 4 groups that use this name. Javelin is a hip-hop and electro production duo from Providence, RI.
Tracks can be downloaded from their official Myspace page, http://www.myspace.com/hotjamzofjavelin.
Javelin is the creative endeavor of George Langford and Tom Van Buskirk, cousins from New England. Javelin began making music in 2005 under the auspice of the Providence, RI art/noise scene. They wielded a mobile boombox soundsystem that used FM transmission to pump out pop-influenced sample collages, and their aesthetic aimed for surrealist block party in-a-box.

Read more about Javelin on Last.fm.
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სამწუხაროდ, მომხამარებელი, ვისაც მოსწონს "Javelin" არ მოიძებნა

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