
Manoj Tiwari Manoj Tiwari
Manoj Tiwari is a bhojpuri mega star, most popular bhojpuri singer,Television presenter and Director, hailing from Bihar, India who acts in Bhojpuri films. Manoj Tiwari was born in Saryupareen Brahmins family in Atarwalia a small village in district Kaimur, Bihar, India. In 2003, he decided to become an actor and took a role in the film Sasura Bada Paise Wala. Made on a budget of INR 3 million, the film went on to gross over INR 20 million. Sasura Bada Paisa Wala also introduced Manoj Tiwari, formerly a well-loved folk singer, to the wider audiences of Bhojpuri cinema.

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