
N.U. Unruh N.U. Unruh
In 1980 N.U. Unruh was a co-founder of the famous German band Einstürzende Neubauten, together with his school friend Blixa Bargeld. For over 25 years, both are the long-time band members. N.U. Unruh usually plays on self-constructed percussion and drum instruments. In year 2000 Unruh released his first and only solo album titled Euphorie im Zeitalter der digitalen Informationsübertragung[1] (English: Euphoria in the era of digital data transfer). He is also a member of the band Bombus, which describes itself as "electronic dance music combined with drummers, performers and DJs".

Read more about N.U. Unruh on Last.fm.
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