
Johanna Pakonen Johanna Pakonen
Johanna Pakonen, the Queen of Tango 2002, has already released four albums. The first one was called "Anna yksi yö" (2003), the second one "Niin kiire rakkauteen" (2004), the third one "Kosketus jää" (2006) and the newest is called "Jälkeen kaiken suuren" (2010). Johanna took part in the Finnish national preselection of the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest with the dancers of Hot Club Dance Company. Her two competing songs you can find from her third album. The songs were called "Kerta viimeinen" (The Last Time) and "Liian monta yötä yksin" (Too Many Nights Alone).

Read more about Johanna Pakonen on Last.fm.
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