
Erre XI Erre XI
Erre XI is a reggaetón duo from Puerto Rico. They are signed with Luny Tunes Mas Flow Inc. label. They are reminiscent in style to R.K.M. & Ken-Y. Comprised of Gerry "Lionize" Capó Hernández and Rafael "Raphy" Flores Ramírez, the duo made it's recording debut in 2007 on the Luny Tunes album Los Benjamins: La Continuación[1] with the song "Vete".[2] In 2008 the duo released their full-length debut album titled Luny Tunes Presents: Erre XI[3] which spawned the single "Carita Bonita"[4] featuring Pee Wee of Kumbia All Starz.

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