
Szekeres Adrien Szekeres Adrien
Szekeres Adrien was born on the 6th of October in 1973 (Eger, Hungary).
Her career started in Hot Jazz Band in 1995, she became a "guest-singer" in the band.
In 1996 she got an eMeRTon award.
She started singing in a funky-jazz band, called Unisex. They did two albums together ("Szebb holnap"; "Csoda az élet"), and until this time, she became "The Singer Of The Year" in Hungary in 1999.
In 2001 she did her first album, called "Futok a szívem után".
In 2004 she sang "Híd a folyót" with Ákos Dobrády, and this song became very successful.

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