
מוש בן ארי מוש בן ארי
Mosh Ben Ari was born in Israel in 1970. He comes from a Yemenite and Iraqi background. He first discovered music as a child through the traditional Jewish and Ethnic chants that were part of his everyday life. He started playing music at the age of 16 and since he has studied music in many countries like India, The Sahara and Sinai. He plays various string instruments such as Acoustic & Classic Guitar, Indian Sarod, Persian Tar, Turkish Jumbush, Moroccan Ginberi and Bass. In 1997 he founded, with a few friends, the world music ensemble “Sheva” (www.

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სამწუხაროდ, მომხამარებელი, ვისაც მოსწონს "מוש בן ארי" არ მოიძებნა

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არც ერთი ფოტოებიანი მომხმარებელი არა არის ნაპოვნი, რომელიც უპასუხებდა ამ კითხვას