
Наив Наив
Наив is russian punk rock band. The leader of the group is Alexander "ChaCha" Ivanov (vocals), the director of the group is Dmitri "Snake" Khakimov. ::The history of the group::
The beginning:
NAIVE was formed in the army in the autumn of 1988 by two private soldiers Aleksander Ivanov and Maksim Kochetkov. This is already quite unusual for a punk group. The next year is considered to be the beginning of the “civillian period” in the band’s development: after the army, some members of the group “Rock-laboratory” joined NAIVE...

Read more about Наив on Last.fm.
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სამწუხაროდ, მომხამარებელი, ვისაც მოსწონს "Наив" არ მოიძებნა

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