
Osmi Putnik Osmi Putnik
Osmi putnik (Croatian for Eighth Passenger, the title of the U.S. movie Alien in Yugoslavia) is a Croatian and former Yugoslav hard rock/heavy metal band.
History: 1985- 1989. : The band was officially formed on May 7, 1985 in Split, by Zlatan Stipišić ''Gibonni'' (vocals), Nenad Mitrović (guitar), Davor Gradinski (bass guitar), Igor Makić (guitar), and Dražen Krolo (drums). The band had their first performance as an opening band for Zabranjeno Pušenje on August 1, 1985 in Arena Gripe. A month later they won the first place at Dalmatia Youth Rock Meeting.

Read more about Osmi Putnik on Last.fm.
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