
Stahlwerk 9 Stahlwerk 9
Stahlwerk 9 is the project of Reinhard Hopfe from Germany. It incorporates ambient/noise/heavy samples into the music, also known by some as the "grandmaster of ". Hopfe is well known for using many Russian samples, mainly from history during WWII, but also the Roman era. Stahlwerk 9's first official recording dates back from 1995, called "Alles für die Front - Alles für den Krieg!". Stahlwerk 9 started out as a small project, limiting his records; the first two records of Stahlwerk 9 were both limited to 30 copies.

Read more about Stahlwerk 9 on Last.fm.
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სამწუხაროდ, მომხამარებელი, ვისაც მოსწონს "Stahlwerk 9" არ მოიძებნა

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