
Ünlü Ünlü
Ünlü is a Turkish-German Rock band with two albums and a single. Their music could be categorized as oriental-rock with lots of percussions in their first album, later becoming more like arabesque-rock in their second album. The group was consisting of Tayfun Ünlü(vocals, guitars),Mehmet Ünlü(keyboards),Achim Gschwend(drums),Sven Stichter(guitars), last two members being german. Their first album, Son Defa, was one of the best Turkish rock albums ever although limited promotion and diminishing interest of Turkish music listeners to rock music at the time restricted its success.

Read more about Ünlü on Last.fm.
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სამწუხაროდ, მომხამარებელი, ვისაც მოსწონს "Ünlü" არ მოიძებნა

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