
The Tycho Brahe The Tycho Brahe
The trio of Carol Keogh, Diarmuid MacDiarmada and Donal O'Mahony started out as Low Babies in Dublin in 1995. Donal and Carol carried on as "The Plague Monkeys" and are known now as "Tychonaut".
As the Plague Monkeys the band revolved around Carol Keogh (vocals) and Donal O'Mahony (Guitars,Mandolins,Keyboards etc), and released two albums "Surface Tension" and "The Sunburn Index".
Musically inhabiting the same soundscapes as bands such as Mazzy Star, The Sundays, Cocteau Twins and even to a lesser extent The Velvet Underground the band won many awards on the Irish Alternative music scene.

Read more about The Tycho Brahe on Last.fm.
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