
Instant Karma Instant Karma
There are two bands under this name: 1) Instant Karma, an Indian band formed by Ehsaan Noorani, Loy Mendonca and Farhad Wadia most popular for their albums Dance Masti (1996) and its sequels Return of Dance Masti (1999), Dance Masti... Again (2003) and Dance Masti Forever (2006). 2) Instant Karma, a Serbian brit-pop influenced power pop band active in the 90's. 1) The indian band was formed by Ehsaan Noorani, Loy Mendonca and Farhad Wadia most popular for their albums Dance Masti (1996) and its sequels Return of Dance Masti (1999), Dance Masti.

Read more about Instant Karma on Last.fm.
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