
Bathiya & Santhush (BNS) are a popular Sri Lankan pop/rap duo comprising of Bathiya. J and Santhush.W, who met while at Mary Anne David's school for singing in Colombo (traning mainly under the categorise of classical and show tunes). Since the inception in 1998, they have released six albums and had seven Sri Lankan number one singles. Bathiya & Santhush are one of the biggest musical acts to hit the Sri Lankan musical scene since the 1970's, mixing both sinhalese and English lyrics in their originals, bringing out their contemporary style and revolutionising the music industry in Sri Lanka.

Read more about BNS on Last.fm.
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სამწუხაროდ, მომხამარებელი, ვისაც მოსწონს "BNS" არ მოიძებნა

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