
激楽隊 激楽隊
激楽隊 (GeKiGaKutai) is a session band from Tokio (Japan) in 2003. They had another gig in 2007 and 2011. Members are:
Kazuei Nezaki (根崎料栄), vocal (drummer / vocal of ex-ラヴィアンローズ → vocal of 兎-usagi-)
Yaguchi Masaaki (矢口雅哲), guitar (guitarist of ムック, DJ in 1979)
Yoshida Masatatsu (吉田匡辰), bassist (bassist of THREE9)
Ooshima Tsuyoshi (大島剛), drums (drummer of ex-ジュリィー, ex-カリメロ). 激楽隊's music makes it difficult to place the band in one music genre, but there are still traces of influencial bands.

Read more about 激楽隊 on Last.fm.
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