
Untouchable Untouchable
Untouchable (언터쳐블) is a r&b/pop Korean duo. They debuted in October 2008 with a digital single "It's Okay", the song for the "We got married" variety show. They released their debut album "Quiet Storm" on January 8th. Members' Profiles: Sleepy 슬리피 (Kim Seong Won 김성원)
Born: February 21, 1984
Height: 186.0cm
Weight: 75.0kg
Blood Type: A The Action 디액션 (Park Kyung Wook 박경욱)
Born: January 14, 1985
Height: 180.0cm
Weight: 73.0kg
Blood Type: O

Read more about Untouchable on Last.fm.
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