
Tynisha Keli Tynisha Keli
Tynisha Keli Soares (born July 28, 1985), known by her stage name Tynisha Keli, is an American R&B and pop singer-songwriter, who has seen her greatest success in Japan. During her career she has worked with well known producers such as Brian Michael Cox, Justice League, Tha Corna Boyz, Robin Thicke, & Co-Stars.
She is best known for the single “I Wish You Loved Me” which was written by Rico Love and produced by Tha Corna Boyz… The remix of the song features R&B singer Sammie. The singer’s debut album, The Chronicles of TK, was released in Japan on April 22, 2009.

Read more about Tynisha Keli on Last.fm.
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